An Exciting Update

Sometimes when you are waiting for something, time goes by very slowly. But because you are so focused on that one thing, everything else in life moves really fast. I’ve been unemployed since the end of January. During that time I made ZenIRCBot significantly better, I wrote a simple site for tracking your workout stats, I attended two conferences, PyCon and Barcamp Portland. I visited two states that I’d never been to. Flew for the first time and took my longest train ride.

Basically I’ve done a ton in this time. But it feels like it has been a really long time because I’ve been so focused on getting my resume put together with Mozilla in mind. Then once I finally had that to a point that I was happy, I started showing it to friends for them to review and that took forever. Then I handed it off to my friend Jason to apply and write a letter of recommendation for me.

Then I waited another eternity (it felt like at least) to hear back, be flown down and get an offer from them. I was so focused on that, that everything else flew by me and I may not have gotten the most out of things. Which is fine because I’ll be starting at Mozilla on the 29th of May. Working on and related sites with the WebDev team.

What that should really read as, is that I am incredibly lucky to be getting the chance to work at a company that I’d only really dreamt of working at before. I’m going to be working with some awesomely brilliant people, for a company who’s mission is to make the web a better place, while working on some really interesting and difficult engineering, doing it in a language I love (Python) with a framework I love (Django). If you know me, then you know how much I love working on interesting hard problems.

I’m writing this mostly as a stream of consciousness because I don’t have a better way to put this stuff together. In the future I’m hoping to take some time, get some peer review for my posts before I put them up and talk about the awesome things I’m doing at Mozilla and in my free time. If you want to be someone to helps me with my writing, let me know, I could use all the help I can get.


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